Clean Water Systems Specialists

Clean Water Modelling

We work with your models, doing everything from a simple flow analysis of a single property to a detailed feasibility study, to show you what your network is capable of and to identify the necessary upgrades.

With hands-on experience in InfoWorks WS, SynerGEE, EPANET & AQUIS, we will fully calibrate your models so you can have confidence in your results.

Model Builds

We are experts in taking the raw data you have on your systems and combining it to make functional models. We will work with you to identify where you store important information on your GIS, Customer Billing, Asset Management and other systems.

Once we have the location of this data, we will configure proprietary model build tools, use our custom tools or build completely new tools for you so that you can get from raw data to a raw model as quickly and consistently as possible.

Software Development

We have a suite of tools to help with all stages of a clean water model build. We plan to offer them publicly as SAAS products shortly - no more spreadsheets!

We Open Source

The tools we make and use at Matrado are dependent on great open source products. Where possible, the tools we create will also be open source, especially if we leverage other people's work.

About Matrado

We are a newly formed startup based in Toronto looking to help the water industry and the consultants working with them use the latest technology to make great models and improve their internal systems.

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